Disk Usage Management¶
A disk is dedicated to a single instance. As a consequence, a disk cannot be shared between production and sandbox instances.
Usages Impacting Disk Usage¶
The disk usage will increase following the lifecycle of the instance. For example, each time:
a new product / family / … is created
entries are created in database
a product / family / … is modified
previous version is stored in versioning table
by default, old versions are kept forever (as of v3.2.7)
an asset is uploaded
it is stored on the file system
if the asset is replaced with a new one, the old version stays on disk
an import / export runs
it creates an archive
by default, those archives are retained during 180 days
a file is uploaded using SFTP / scp / …
Impact of Disk Usage on the PIM¶
When the disk is full, the PIM cannot work anymore: it cannot save modifications in database, upload new assets, …
It can even prevent ElasticSearch from updating its indexes, resulting in desynchronization with the database. To avoid those issues, ensuring a healthy disk usage is necessary.
Check Disk Space Usage¶
The following command can help you to check the disk space usage expressed both in GB and as a percentage:
echo "Report disk space usage for my instance"
df -h /data
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdb 344G 133G 196G 41% /data
As explained in the previous paragraph, the disk mounted on “/data” must not be full.
Please notice that size difference between df command and your purchased disk space is caused by the metadata storage usage.
Investigate Disk Space Usage Issues¶
Improving Disk Usage¶
To reduce disk usage, some temporary files are deleted automatically on a regular basis. For example:
old temporary import/export files
old temporary file storage
akeneo_batch directories
ansible temporary directories
Moreover, the integrator can:
activate the purge of old versions of products
remove assets that are not linked to any product anymore
Investigate Disk Usage Distribution¶
The following command can help you to identify potential issues regarding the disk usage of your instance, by listing the largest directories:
echo "Report the 20 largest directories"
du -hx /home/akeneo/*/ | sort -rh | head -20
Database purges¶
echo "Remove all orphan files not linked to any assets"
php bin/console akeneo:asset-manager:purge-orphans-file-info
This command will not remove thumbnails generated for preview, if you also want to delete those file:
php bin/console akeneo:asset-manager:thumbnail-cache:clear --all
The thumbnails will be regenerated on the first display in the PIM
echo "Cleaning versions older than 90 days. Please note that this is executed every Sunday by default"
nohup php bin/console pim:versioning:purge --more-than-days 90 --force -n &
Daily purge of versioning will ensure that the versioning table size does not grow indefinitely.
If the table has grown too much, running the purge won’t return the physical space on the disk as it only frees space in the table. In that case, use the following procedure to free the associated disk space:
screen # create a dedicated session you can reconnect to if the connection is lost
mkdir -p /home/akeneo/purge
cd /home/akeneo/purge
mysqldump akeneo_pim pim_versioning_version --add-drop-table |
gzip -9 > pim_versioning_version.sql.gz
gunzip < pim_versioning_version.sql.gz | mysql
# if the connection is lost in the process, re-connect using SSH and run
screen -r
Moreover, the customer and the integrator can:
open a ticket to ask the Cloud Team to set the duration of retention of archives of import / export
contact the Customer Success Manager to upscale the disk
Configure the PIM to save disk space¶
For product exports, you can disable files and media export (Export Profile > Edit > Global Settings)
Files generated for exports are archived and can increase disk usage rapidly if executed too many times without a purge.
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